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Thank You and Good Bye
Script Werx will soon no longer be available as a retail product. On Macintosh, Microsoft itself has decided that the next version of Microsoft Office for Macintosh will not support the programming language used to create Script Werx (Visual Basic). On the Windows side, the effort to update for Word 2007, and to comply with increasing burdens that Microsoft places on third-party developers, is too much to justify.
Although I will continue working on a project basis to develop software that customizes Microsoft Word, and to support my custom applications already in use, there will be no further updates to the Script Werx retail product.
It's been a long ride since 1992, when the predecessor of Script Werx was first released to work with Word 5.0 on the Macintosh. I sincerely thank all of our customers who have purchased our software and made our company possible. It has been a rewarding experience and I am thankful for all of the friends I have made along the way.
This Web site will be kept active for the foreseeable future, to give access to the technical support it provides and to make our final version of Script Werx available for download to existing customers.
--John Morley

Script Werx on Macintosh
Version 11.1 (first release of Word 2004 for Macintosh) was the last release of Word for Macintosh that fully supports all features in Script Werx. Some features will not work with the already shipped upgrades of Word (v11.2 and above)
With its next version of Word for Macintosh, Microsoft will completely drop support for the Visual Basic code that makes Script Werx possible on a Macintosh.
Macintosh is my favorite computer and I regret that we will no longer be able to provide software for use on this platform. I will continue to provide technical support to customers using our software on Word versions X and 2004 v11.1.

Saturday Night Live Now Updated for Script Werx on OS X
Parnassus Software is proud that Saturday Night Live has demonstrated its loyalty to their customized version of Script Werx by having us upgrade their software for Microsoft Word X on the Macintosh. These were similar to the upgrades that have also gone into the release version of Script Werx for OS X.
Although this upgrade did not involve a trip to the SNL studios, the initial customization of Script Werx for SNL required that developer John Morley spend three days on site helping to ensure that the customized software minimized learning curve, conformed to formatting standards that have evolved over the show's 25-year history and made it easy to track changes made on specific pages within a sketch.
Other challenges included a process that links all sketches into a master script while still allowing each sketch to continue through the rewrite process individually. Additional features facilitate entering writer names and sketch titles so that they appear properly formatted in all appropriate places in a sketch, a toolbar of cast-member names and a preferences dialog box that lets writers select from among several options.
A motivating factor in selecting Script Werx was its smooth integration within Microsoft Word. This helps minimize learning curve, which in turn helps to keep the current team working at full productivity and eases the disruption of turnover, since Microsoft Word remains the most widely used word processor.


Vista and Word 2007
Script Werx will not be updated to work with Microsoft Word 2007, the version of Word released in conjunction with Windows Vista.

Script Werx v11 Released
Upgraded to work with both Microsoft Word 2003 on Windows and Word 2004 on Macintosh, Script Werx v11 also delivers four new features:

  • For all formats--Out Takes tool to archive deleted text in a separate document.
  • For all script formats--Capacity of the Character Toolbar increased to twenty names, up from twelve.
  • For screenplay formats--Fudge tool to easily adjust the margins of one paragraph to bring up words straggling onto a last line.
  • Also for screenplay formats--Automatic marking of continuing dialogue, when a character's dialogue is interrupted by action.
In addition, the user guide and Script Werx Web site are now available from the Script Werx menu, and in Windows, the Script Werx folder is on the Start menu's list of programs.
If you have purchased Script Werx within the past 12 months, you are eligible for a free download of Script Werx v11. Just email for the current password.

Orders From Within the EU (European Union)
A value-added tax (VAT) must now be added to all software downloaded within the EU. This tax is 17.5 percent of the purchase price, or US $22.58 for each copy of Script Werx. This amount must be added to all downloads made to an EU address.

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